What we can do for you
Excellence does not happen by chance. True professionals are moulded through dedicated coaching and development – on the field and in life.
Success is more than trophies and money. The most valuable investments build character, integrity, and wholeness. This shapes winners into role models eager to lift and make a difference to others.
Des, Jeff and the Ultimate Professional team fully commit to empowering people to achieve their highest destiny.
Their proven 8 step program unlocks potential through powerful, impactful workshops and hands-on training.This transforms average performers into elite masters – igniting dormant potential into full achievement.
With commitment to their principles and passion for self-improvement, driven individuals can arise to mastery.
Outstanding mentors commit themselves to guiding young people. They unlock potential and fulfil destinies. Their wisdom powerfully complements practical skills. It equips one for a life of meaning, lived at the highest standard.
Programme 1 – GOALS
Takes you on a step by step process of how to create goals that will take you to the next level. Goals speak for themselves without one you will wonder around aimlessly.

Shows you how to make a lasting impact when meeting someone for the first time. More importantly why we should always create the correct first impression. We do this by teaching our students simple but effective ways eliminate and overcome initial fear and sometimes awkwardness which can occur when meeting people.

Programme 3 – BODY LANGUAGE
80% of communication is done using body language. If a player is on the pitch and their attitude is down they can express that through their body language whether good or bad. This in turn can have either a positive or negative effect on the teams performance and results.

There’s nothing worse than an unorganised person. This happens as a result of having an unorganised mind. If you walk into a room and see clutter and mess then how do you think that person is thinking? What can be the adverse effects of not being organised?

With social media and forms of non verbal communication taking its root in society now what happens when people meet face to face? How can we effectively communicate with each other? We have the answers that you are looking for.


Programme 7 – FINANCES
Imagine that you were taught how to handle money from a young age. Instead we were taught things like algebra and how to workout the circumference of a circle. How practical are these for use in our day to day life? How many times have you used an algebraic formula to make a purchase? Well the answer speaks for itself. We teach our students with the help of our financial services partner the basics on how to manage money successfully to achieve your financial goals.

Two of the most important things to do when we achieve a level of success is to stay humble and remain grounded. Success can have a detrimental affect to an individual if they do not know how to handle themselves. Discovering your core values will help to determine how you handle success. We are working with our partner ANDREW CHUA who’s authentic lives programme has helped thousands of people around the world to discover not only who they are but help them to understand why they act the way that they do.

Give us a call today!
Because every solution is unique, we are unable to tell you on this web page how much your solution will cost.
For more information on pricing and availability, please contact us.

BM Mastermind Academy
27 Gloucester Road
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